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Create Groups of Organizations for Streamlined Data Entry and Reporting

Create groups for the organizations you work with frequently to streamline data entry, when adding an activity. You can also create reports based on the organizational groups created.

To create a group of organizations

1) Go the the Orgs drop-down menu and select Groups of Orgs & People:

2) Click on Add New Group:
add group

3) Give the group a name and description. Click Create:
group name

4) Add organizations to the group by clicking on the members tab and selecting organizations from the drop-down:
group members

When adding future activity records, you will be able to add your group of organizations to the record, rather than adding each organization individually.

Go the Orgs & People tab within your activity record. Select Group and choose the name of your group. Click Add to attach the members of the group to the file. You can deselect members of the group by clicking on the x next to the organization name.
select group

Once you've clicked Add, the members of the group will be attached to your activity record:
orgs added

Or you can create a group of organizations within an activity record

1) Go to the Orgs & People tab and attach all organizations to the activity record. Once all organizations are added, click on Save as group:
save as group

2) Give the group a name and description. Click Save:
save group

3) When adding future activity records, you can select that group by going to the Organizations/People tab. Click on Groups and select the name of the group. Click Add.
select group

You can also report by organizational groups created. To report on activities or impacts connected to a specific group

1) Click on reports from the top navigation and select a date range.
go to reports

2) Click on Step 3 Filter orgs, select Org Groups and check off the box next to the organization group name:
filter org group

3) Click on Step 5 See Results for a list of all activities connected to that group:
group results